Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish.
This week's topic is highlighting series we've started but haven't finished for one reason or another. Now, I've started a lot of series without finishing them, but for this challenge I'll be focusing on series that fit these two criteria:
10. Hex Hall Trilogy by Rachel Hawkins
9. Provost's Dog (Beka Cooper) Trilogy
by Tamora Pierce
8. The Mortal Instruments Series
by Cassandra Claire
7. The Sholan Alliance Series by Lisanne Norman
6. Ganzfield Novels by Kate Kaynak
5. Bean's Series or The Shadow Saga
by Orson Scott Card
4. Artemis Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer
3. The Lord of the Rings Series by J.R.R. Tolkien
2. The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne (and Todd) McCafferey
1. Xanth by Piers Anthony
Series I'm Proud to Say AREN'T on this List:
Animorphs by K.A. Applegate
(all 63 owned & read)
Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
Hitchhiker's 6-book-Trilogy by Douglas Adams & Eoin Colfer
Young Wizards Series by Diane Duane
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
So, which series are on your list?
Did you give up, or simply get sidetracked?
Let me hear you howl!
This week's topic is highlighting series we've started but haven't finished for one reason or another. Now, I've started a lot of series without finishing them, but for this challenge I'll be focusing on series that fit these two criteria:
- I've read more than just the first book in the series
- I'm still planning on finishing the series
10. Hex Hall Trilogy by Rachel Hawkins
I've read and reviewed both Hex Hall and Demonglass, and have had Spell Bound out from the library for over a month now, and still haven't picked it up to read it! I really have got to get rid of some of these distractions around the house and make reading a priority again.
9. Provost's Dog (Beka Cooper) Trilogy
by Tamora Pierce
Yet another 2 out of 3 read, and from arguably my favorite author no less! I will get Mastiff read if it's the last thing I do! ...Though I really hope it isn't.
8. The Mortal Instruments Series
by Cassandra Claire
I finished the original trilogy and was thrilled to hear it was being extended into a second trilogy. I even squee-ed at the fact Simon was going to be given a more prominant role. And still haven't even picked this one up. For shame.
This was a series I picked up when I was probably too young for it. The first book was relatively short, and mostly action/sci-fi. The second...had a lot more politics and 'romance'. I realize I really had no business reading these books had in 7th grade, but really, sentient/psychic humanoid cat creatures — who wouldn't want to read these books? I still plan on picking them back up some time in the future.

Read and loved the first two books, received the third and fourth and...haven't gotten back to them. This really was a case of so many books, so little time. But I will make time...eventually.
by Orson Scott Card
I don't know if this one totally counts as having been started since it's technically a branching series. I read and loved Ender's Game and the books that continued/concluded Ender's story. But he then wrote a second series that branched off of Ender's Game that focused on the character Bean and what happened on Earth. I own all of these, but haven't read past the first chapter in Ender's Shadow. So have I started them or not?
Colfer is quite possibly my favorite male author, and the Artemis Fowl books are my favorites of his (so far). That being said, I was hit rather hard by the events (and deaths) that went down in the 4th book. I've been meaning to catch back up, and perhaps with the release of the final installment I will finally do so.
I've read The Hobbit multiple times (how they're going to stretch it into 3 movies is beyond me), Fellowship once with the audiobook, and the first half of Two Towers. Afraid I'm not too interested in poor Sam and Frodo. But since this series is practically the must-read for any fantasy fan, I'm sure I'll get to it eventually. And perhaps even some of the other Middle Earth literature as well.
Another must-read fantasy series which I've collected a fair amount of. In fact, I have every book up to the first co-author (Dragon's Kin) with Anne's son, Todd. But I've only read the first 6. I've made myself promise to read them before selling/giving them away, so I will read them. Eventually.
I own 28 of these books and have read only 6 1/4. I read those in 7th and 8th grades and did enjoy them a great deal. When a fantasy series focuses on puns and figures of speech (for example, the phrase 'stop on a dime' obviously came about because dimes possess magical powers that force anyone running/walking over one to freeze in stride), it's hard not to enjoy it.
Dragon on a Pedestal, however, suddenly shifted the focus to a toddler. Yes, even then I knew I wasn't interested in kids. I just couldn't get through it. But I continued collecting the series and have now reached an entire bookshelf +1. Just need to finish all the other shiny books.
Dragon on a Pedestal, however, suddenly shifted the focus to a toddler. Yes, even then I knew I wasn't interested in kids. I just couldn't get through it. But I continued collecting the series and have now reached an entire bookshelf +1. Just need to finish all the other shiny books.
Series I'm Proud to Say AREN'T on this List:
Animorphs by K.A. Applegate
(all 63 owned & read)
Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
Hitchhiker's 6-book-Trilogy by Douglas Adams & Eoin Colfer
Young Wizards Series by Diane Duane
The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
So, which series are on your list?
Did you give up, or simply get sidetracked?
Let me hear you howl!
Great list. I'm still reading The DragonRiders of Pern too. Like you I have not read any of the co-authored books but I plan to. My Top Ten Tuesday
ReplyDeleteI don't get how they're planning to stretch the Hobbit into three movies, either!! I mean, I'm so excited for the movie, but how exactly will that happen with a 300 page book?? The Lord of the Rings is actually very good once you get past the first half of the first book, I thought-- hope you do finish it. :) Artemis Fowl is one I also haven't finished... I read the book with Artemis's brothers and the endangered animals (don't know which one that was), and sadly it just didn't appeal to me. Must give them another chance! New follower.
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