Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted at The Broke and the Bookish.
This week we bloggers were given a reprieve of sorts. Pick a topic that we hadn't covered before, or wanted a second go at. So, this week I'll be listing characters I'd love to switch places with for 24 hours. Get ready for some unabashed indulgence.

9. Lily Fielding from Vamplayers

8. Mercy Thompson from her series

7. Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter
6. Clary Fray from The Mortal Devices

5. Sophie Mercer from Hex Hall
4. Lyra Belacqua/Silvertongue from His Dark Materials

3. Nita Callahan from Young Wizards
2. Daine Sarrasri from The Immortals

1. Tris Chandler from Shatterglass
Honorable Mentions:
Cimorene from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Bastion from The Neverending Story
Milo from The Phantom Tollbooth
Eragon from The Inheritance Cycle
So, which characters are on your list?
Or what Top Ten topic did you pick this week?
Let me hear you howl!
This week we bloggers were given a reprieve of sorts. Pick a topic that we hadn't covered before, or wanted a second go at. So, this week I'll be listing characters I'd love to switch places with for 24 hours. Get ready for some unabashed indulgence.
Kick-ass gal who can change into any animal she's ever touched. So long as I can stay away from the creepy brain slugs that are trying to take over the planet, I think I'll be okay for 24 hours.
9. Lily Fielding from Vamplayers
Just trying out the vampire lifestyle for a day. Provided I'm not being toyed with or hunted by some overpowered super vampire, I think it'd be a fun day.
8. Mercy Thompson from her series
Can't say I know much about cars or fixing stuff, but I wouldn't mind having some of Mercy's perks for a day. Being able to change into a coyote at will, and being friends (and friends with benefits) with fae, vampires and werewolves. Definitely wouldn't be a boring 24 hours.
7. Minerva McGonagall from Harry Potter
I'd willingly trade age for awesomeness on this one. Animagus, extremely learned, fairly powerful witch, and friends with some of the greatest witches & wizards of 'our' time. Yep, not seeing any downsides to this one.
Honestly, I kinda got annoyed with this character, but if I could take her place for a day, I'd get to hang out with some really cool characters including Magnus, Isabelle and Simon. Ah, Simon... *drools*
5. Sophie Mercer from Hex Hall
Another witch. But also super-powered from being part demon. Sure, running from people who want to kill you is a drag, but getting to hang out with an awesome vampire and a couple hawties is never a bad thing.
How cool would it be to have a daemon companion who knew you inside and out? And being able to ask the Golden Compass any question you wanted would be pretty neat, too.
3. Nita Callahan from Young Wizards
How many magic-users do I have to pick before I get my letter to Hogwarts? Well, Nita's world isn't nearly as whimsical as the HP universe, but it does have a lot of perks - including space travel and a little shapeshifting. But all that responsibility and saving-the-world stuff might get a little much, so 24 hours is enough for me to get in, enjoy, and get out.
Shapeshifter. Need I say more? Unfortunately the time period does detract from the appeal just a tad - modern restrooms are a plus - but I think I could stick it out for a day.
1. Tris Chandler from Shatterglass
I've said before how similar I am to Tris, so I think that trading places just to do a little magic, and observe other magic, would be well worth 24 hours.
Honorable Mentions:
Cimorene from The Enchanted Forest Chronicles
Bastion from The Neverending Story
Milo from The Phantom Tollbooth
Eragon from The Inheritance Cycle
So, which characters are on your list?
Or what Top Ten topic did you pick this week?
Let me hear you howl!
Sophie & Minerva! I don't want to be an old lady yet, but I sure like her spunk :D
ReplyDeleteTTT @thedailyprophecy.
I haven't read any of these books! I feel so ignorant and unread.
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