Monday, July 5, 2010

Some Hopping Tips

The Results of My First Blogger Hop

Blogs Visited:

New Blogs Followed:

Total Blogs Now Following:

Comments on My Blog:

New Followers:

That's right, I visited, commented on, and followed every blog I could.
(Blogs that did not support Google-Followers, I passed on)

I made it my personal goal to visit every single one this weekend; even stayed up way past exhaustion last night to finish.

Today, I was rewarded with over 300 posts (from Sunday and Monday) in my Google-Reader, which I diligently skimmed and read. It took me (I'm guessing) over 3 hours.

I just got back from an hour-long massage-shower to release my headache and shoulder tension.

Do NOT Do What I Did.

Have you ever gone to an all-you-can-eat buffet, filled yourself to full, then gone back one more time for dessert? Or how about gotten a gym membership and spent two hours going full-speed/full-strength?

Do you remember how it felt the next day?

Yeah, that's about what I'm feeling right now.

So here are my tips on how to safely and successfully Blog Hop:

1. Set a Realistic Goal
Pick a number you're comfortable with following and stick to it. No one is judging you on how many blogs you visit. In fact, there's no (easy) way to keep track at all. The only judge you have is yourself, and I think they'll understand your reasoning.

2. Be Sure to Leave Comments
Remember what I said about 'no way to keep track'? Well, when you visit someone's blog, be sure to leave them a comment. It doesn't have to be super fancy or detailed, but there are a couple things it should include:

A Polite Greeting
As in any correspondence, this helps break the ice and establish a connection.
"Hi there!"
"Hey ho, how's it hangin?!"
 "Caught you through the Hop!"

 Some Positive Detail You Noticed About Their Blog/Post
 An added bonus to the ice-breaker, this gives the blog owner a reason to further their connection with you. It always makes people feel good to know their hard work is being seen/read.
"I loved [insert book title] too!"
"Your banner is really ugly."
"Wow, your story is really similar to mine!"

A Tactful Link to Your Own Blog
Always leave a link. This is about establishing connections. How are we supposed to do that if you say 'hi' and disappear? However, don't be forceful about it. Provide it as an opportunity, not an obligation.
"I also review SciFi in my blog, (link)"
"Go to my blog if you ever want to see your family again: (link)"
"Hope you can hop over my way too! (link)"
"I visited you, now you visit me! It's only fair. (link)"
"Care to venture into (The Wolf's Den)?"

Now, while it's best to make each and every entry unique, if you are dealing in mass there's nothing wrong with creating a template that you can copy and paste. Especially when it comes to links—you don't want to mistype your blog-page and accidentally send them somewhere else!

3. Be Smart About Following 
Don't Expect a Follow for a Follow. 
While it's nice to think the above is some sort of unwritten rule, this can't be farther from the truth. I've seen some blogs with over 1000 followers, and you can bet that that person isn't following 1000 blogs. Well, at least not actively. They might be 'a Follower', but that's not the same as 'Following'.
I'll expand on this more below.

Don't Try to Force Followers
Ever gone into a store and been besieged by salespeople? Or have you gotten solicitors at your door? Most often your immediate reaction is "I'm not interested, GO AWAY!" Trying to force people to follow you just makes them that much more eager to say 'no'.

Follow Your Interests
If you can't stand Romance, why follow someone who only reviews Romance? You'll never actually read their posts, and that just defeats the purpose of following in the first place! It's like someone handing out all their pamphlets only to discover they've all been thrown in the trashcan around the corner. Be honest about what you'll read.

And in the same respect, don't expect people to follow your blog if it doesn't interest them.

4. Organize Your Reader
If you're like me, and you may have overshot your bounds, be smart about how you read things. Don't spend hours trying to sort through things you may not want to read... I dumped ALL Book Blogs into ONE folder, so it took forever to sort through it all.

Set Up Genre Folders
That way you can hit certain blogs when you're in the mood, or save others for another time.

Set Up a Probationary List
If you did select too many blogs to follow, put some in a folder that you can browse at your leisure to see if you really do like their writing style. Give it a couple weeks. If you can't remember liking anything of theirs in that time, it's probably best that you un-follow them.

5. Review and Make New Goals
After it's all over take into account what you did and what results you got.
How many did you visit?
How many did you like?
How many will you follow?
What was your blog's visiting rate?

As for me, I visited over 200 blogs and got around 80 visits.
I had a lot of fun, but I also overexerted myself.
Next time (yes, I will do this again) I probably won't visit (or follow) every single blog I find. I'll definitely be more selective in my genres, and I'll stop when I feel like stopping.

Big thanks to Crazy-for-Books for hosting this weekend's Hop.
I hope you all enjoyed your own hopping.

Until next time...


  1. Wow, this was pretty insightful! I'm glad you made this post. I also kind of had to resist the temptation to follow every blog I visited :), but I need to practice commenting instead of just lurking most of the time. How else can bloggers know that people enjoy what they wrote? :)

  2. Great advice! :)

    I do try to follow a lot of the blogs that follow me, and I did follow everyone that followed me in the beginning. Now I do visit every person that follows me, and I look to see if they have similar tastes. If they don't, I probably won't follow. I don't get hurt feelings if people un-follow me for not following them, or if they decide my blog isn't for them. I blog for myself. If people like to read my blog, that's great, but that doesn't mean I'm going to change what I'm doing to attract more readers.

    I'm off to organize my reader now!

  3. Hey Vicki, that's definitely an interesting post! I've to say this hop thing is one of the best things invented. :)

    Oh well, following blogs could be a problem if one doesn't want to follow a blog. But they shouldn't feel obligated to do so just because the other person mentioned that they're following you and expect you to do the same. Which doesn't make sense at all.

    Wow, how did you keep track of how many blogs you visited? I think it takes a long time to keep track! But it's good to know one's achievement through hopping. I might do it for the next hop though I don't think I can reach up to 200++ blogs! :)

    See you around.

  4. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for adding me to your list! :)

  5. Great post!!

    I definitely see what you mean. It's all about balance.

    I personally wait until later in evening on Fridays and randomly choose blogs to visit, off the linky list. I go through their blog, and follow/comment only if their blog is something I'd be interested in reading on a regular basis. Same goes with following back; if your blog isn't something I would enjoy reading, I won't follow back.

    I've only done it twice, and I probably won't do it very often. I guess I just feel like a lot of people may only be following me so I'll follow back, and I'd rather people follow because they like what I write.

    Happy readings :D

  6. Wow! Great post and I am impressed with your personal insight. It is hard not to get excited about the hop though.

  7. I love this post! It was a realy unique and creative idea. I tried to visit as many blogs as possible to get to know more of them but eventually soon realised that it was better to know that they are there but not follow them if they don't review the types of books that you like. I think that sometimes people do need to be reminded that you follow someone because you want to read their posts and not only so they will follow you back. I know that I would prefer to know the people who actually enjoy reading my posts!

    I hope you enjoy the hop again next week!

  8. Hi, Thanks for hopping by my blog this week. I am very impressed that you got through the entire list of blogs, and still had the stamina to offer such an insightful guide!


  9. Wow, that really sounds like a lot of work!
    I´ve joined the blog hop three times now, but somehow, I always just got 10 new followers...
    I just don´t find the time to go through so many blog at the weekends.
    I´m glad however, that you share the opinion that it doesn´t make sense to follow blogs that don´t share your interests. I´d rather have fewer readers who stop by regularly, comment and share their thoughts than an incredible amount of readers who just follow you so that you do the same!
    Great post!

  10. Haha, welcome to the hop! It's that really fun Friday timesucker. :-P

    Thanks for stopping by and have a great week!

  11. Hi Vicki--you really hopped to it over the weekend. I am one of your new followers. Personally, for me, I try to keep the number of blogs that I follow to a maximum of 100. And when I sign up to follow a blog, I really do follow it. I try to read posts every day and I comment quite a bit. The only posts I skip are for book reviews that I don't think are my preferred genre. But that's just me! Hope you have a great week!

  12. Holy cow... This is crazy! Are you still following all of these blogs?! I actually went through my bloglist over the weekend and deleted a bunch b/c I wasn't actually following so many of them. Plus, I like to follow non-book blogs! So, I'm trying to keep the whole list to under 100. Thanks for your advice!!

  13. Some good advice there. As you say, you can sometimes have too much of a good thing.


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