The Berenstain Bears and the Dress Code
~ Stan & Jan Berenstain — Quite possibly the first book I read by myself and remembered. Also possibly the first book I specifically requested be bought for me. I absolutely loved this book and re-read it more times than I can count.
Ramona the Pest
~ Beverly Cleary — Though I've read the entire Ramona series multiple times, I'm pretty sure this one has been re-read the most. I remember reading it shortly after we moved from Indiana to Oregon and realizing that we lived in the same area! Ah, the joys of connecting with books.
Wayside School is Falling Down
~ Louis Sachar — I distinctly remember finishing this book and immediately going back and starting at the beginning again. Though, whether that was purely because I enjoyed the book or because it confused the heck outta me, I'm not quite sure.
The Invasion
~ K.A. Applegate — The first of the 64 book Animorph series (of which I own 62), how could I not include it? Every month I'd race to the store to buy the latest installment, then, because my parents could see if my bedroom light was on late at night, I would read in the bathroom with the door locked so they couldn't stop me. I think I eventually got to the point where I could finish a book in 4 hours. Then again, they were only 150 pages at the most.
The Gentleman Outlaw and Me ~ Eli
~ Mary Downing Hahn — This is one that I loved so much as a kid that the story stuck with me long after I'd read it. Years later, when I saw it on the shelf at a used bookstore, I just had to buy it. Of course, the story wasn't exactly as I had remembered it, but it was still enjoyable.
~ Edward Bloor — It's hard to explain why this book appealed to me so much. It's really very dark, but...I dunno, you get more out of it the older you are. It has layers, you know? Like ogres.
The Samurai's Tale
~ Erik Christian Haugaard — This one was an assigned book from, quite possibly, the best teacher I ever had, Mr. Wandell. If I ever had a teacher crush, it was on him. This book was accompanied by an in-class Role Play Assignment, where each desk-group was a Japanese Feudal Clan and it was a race to see who would dominate whom. We were the last independent group standing up against the conquerors, and so in a last ditch effort to save our clan, my friends and I performed a skit to earn some more "money" (rice) which involved Monty Python (Nobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition) and Klingons (don't ask) and nukes (we were Nagasaki, after all)... But yeah, the book is awesome too.
Ella Enchanted
~ Gail Carson Levine — Technically, I had this read to me in 4th grade, but I had to leave early for summer vacation (I think for my Aunt's wedding), so I never heard the ending. It took me a while, but I finally picked it back up and fell in love in 7th grade. The movie was okay, but not nearly as fantastic as the book.
Alanna: The First Adventure
~ Tamora Pierce — The first Tamora Pierce book I read made me a life-long fan. Alanna is a fiery girl who dreams of becoming a knight. When she and her twin are being shipped off to train (her in sorcery, him as a knight), they decide to trade places! And you thought you had it rough? Fantasy, adventure, romance, and strong heroines, who could ask for more?
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
~ J.K. Rowling — Last, but certainly not least, is Harry Potter. Technically, the 4th book is my true favorite of the series, but without the 1st, where would I be? I've connected with so many people, gone so many places, learned so many things because of this series. It holds a special place on my mantle, and in my heart.
I'll have to check out a few of the ones on your list! I haven't heard of a few of them!
ReplyDeleteYou know, I was trying to think of childhood books and completely forgot the Harry Potter series. I guess its just been so long since I thought of them that way. You are right, where would they be without the first? Nowhere.
ReplyDelete(got her via brokeandbookish)
Oh my god, I totally remember the Berenstein Bears Dress Code book! It was one of the few Berenstein chapter books, right? Oh, I loved that! Read it over and over again. Thanks for the reminder! :D
ReplyDeleteI'm absolutely with you on HP, btw. It made my list, too (http://ykmreviews.blogspot.com/2010/06/meme-top-ten-tuesday.html) /pimp The fourth is my favorite as well (I thought they started going downhill after that :() but the first was such a brilliant introduction, you have to count it.
Also, I wish I had your teacher, Mr. Waddell. Feudal Clan Role Play? We never did anything that fun at my school, lol.